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Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement delineates Flourish Healthcare and Support Limited’s (FHS) dedicated approach to understanding and mitigating all potential modern slavery risks related to its operations and ensuring the prevention of slavery or human trafficking within its business and supply chains. This statement applies to actions and activities for the financial year ending 31st March 2024.


FHS acknowledges its responsibility to enact a robust approach against slavery and human trafficking, consistently upholding this responsibility with utmost seriousness.


FHS is committed to averting slavery and human trafficking within its activities and ensuring its supply chains, partners, and sub-contractors maintain a similar commitment.

Organisational Structure and Supply Chains


FHS specialises in providing compassionate and tailored support to individuals with diverse needs, focusing on fostering independence, enriching lives, and enhancing overall well-being. Our services span across various settings, including residential care and supported living.

Risk & Compliance

We strictly comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, refusing to engage with any entities knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking. Our commitment involves an unwavering focus on due diligence, risk assessment, and constant monitoring of our supply chains, especially those sourced from high-risk regions.

Actionable Steps

Supplier Assessments and Compliance

  • Our supplier approval process involves comprehensive assessments to verify their compliance with anti-slavery standards. We expect our suppliers to maintain a zero-tolerance approach to exploitation and comply strictly with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Training and Awareness

  •  To ensure our staff is informed and vigilant, we provide annual training on modern slavery, integrated within our Safeguarding training. This initiative educates our team on recognising signs of slavery and human trafficking and reporting suspected cases confidentially. We circulate our Modern Slavery Statement internally to keep all team members informed about our commitment and their roles in preventing modern slavery.


Whistleblowing Policy

  •  Our policy encourages everyone associated with FHS—colleagues, customers, workers, and other stakeholders—to report concerns about any activity that could elevate the risk of slavery or human trafficking. We maintain a confidential helpline to facilitate secure, fear-free disclosures.


Ethical Recruitment and Supplier Relations

  •  We collaborate exclusively with reputable employment agencies and suppliers who adhere to high ethical standards, ensuring safe, respectful, and lawful working conditions. We terminate relationships with entities violating our ethical policies.


Safeguarding Adults Policy

  •  This policy underscores the imperative for staff to raise concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Continuous Improvement

FHS is dedicated to continuous improvement, upholding human rights, and ensuring that the individuals we support live in a world free from exploitation. We relentlessly pursue advancements in our practices and policies to fortify our stance against modern slavery and human trafficking.


This statement, reflecting our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships, has been approved by our Board of Directors on 12th September 2023 and will be reviewed and updated annually.

Gillian Short

Managing Director

2nd April 2024

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